
There are a variety of retirement planning options that can meet your needs. Your employer funds some; you fund some. 请记住, 在大多数情况下, early withdrawals before age 59½ may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. The latest date to begin required minimum distributions is usually April 1 of the year after you turn age 73, 12月31日以后年满72岁的个人, 2022. If you attained age 72 in 2022 or earlier, you are already required to take annual RMDs. 到2033年,法定退休年龄将升至75岁. 在大多数情况下,提款按普通收入征税. 这个列表描述了10个最常见的规划选项.

A 固定收益养老金 normally provides a specific monthly benefit from the time you retire until you die. This monthly benefit is usually a percentage of your final salary multiplied by the number of years you’ve been with the company. 固定收益养老金通常完全由你的雇主提供.

A 货币购买养老金 提供一次性付款或一系列每月付款. The size of this benefit depends on the size of the contributions to the plan. 你的雇主通常会出资购买养老金计划, 尽管有些公司允许员工供款.

你的雇主可能会资助一个 利润分享计划; employee contributions are usually optional. Upon your retirement, you will normally receive your benefit as a lump sum. The company’s contributions — and thus your retirement benefit — may depend on the company’s profits. If a 利润分享计划 is set up as a 401(k) plan, employee contributions may be tax deductible.

A 储蓄计划 在您退休时提供一次性付款. Employees fund their own 储蓄计划s, although employers may also contribute. 雇员可能被允许借用一部分既得福利. If a 储蓄计划 is set up as a 401(k) plan, employee contributions may be tax deductible.

下一个 员工持股计划 (ESOP), an employer periodically contributes company stock toward an employee’s retirement plan. Upon retirement, 员工持股计划s may provide a single payment of stock shares. 55岁时, 参加计划10年或以上, you must be given the option of diversifying your ESOP account up to 25% of the value. 这种选择一直持续到60岁, at which time you have a one-time option to diversify up to 50% of the account.

免税的年金 or 403 (b)的计划 are offered by tax-exempt and educational organizations for the benefit of their employees. Upon retirement, employees have a choice of a lump sum or a series of monthly payments. These plans are funded by employee contributions, and these contributions are tax deductible.

个人退休帐户 are available to virtually any wage earner at any salary, up to certain income limits. 它们完全由个人捐款资助. 个人退休账户通常存在银行账户中, 经纪公司, 保险公司, 共同基金公司, 信用合作社, 或者储蓄协会. They provide either a lump-sum payment or periodic withdrawals upon retirement. 个人退休账户有两种基本类型:传统的和罗斯的. Contributions to traditional IRAs may be tax deductible and are taxed upon withdrawal, whereas contributions to Roth IRAs are not tax deductible but qualified withdrawals are tax-free.

创业计划 是专门为自雇人士设计的吗. They are funded completely by wage-earner contributions and provide either a lump-sum payment or periodic withdrawals upon retirement. 自雇计划与个人退休账户有相同的投资机会. Contributions to self-employed plans are tax deductible within certain generous limitations. 养恤金和养恤金之间一般没有区别, 利润分享, and other retirement plans established by corporations and those established by individual proprietors and partnerships. 过去,“基奥计划”或“H.R. 10 plan" was used to distinguish a retirement plan established by a self-employed individual from a plan established by a corporation or other entity. 然而, self-employed retirement plans are now generally referred to by the same name that is used for the particular type of plan, 例如SEP IRA, 简单的401 (k), 或者自营职业者401(k).

简化员工养老金; 即sep,是为小型企业设计的. Like IRAs, they can provide either a lump-sum payment or periodic withdrawals upon retirement. 不像IRA, 雇主主要资助自雇计划, 虽然一些简化的雇员养老金确实允许雇员供款. sep通常被持有在与ira相同类型的账户中. Employee contributions — in those SEPs that allow them — may be tax deductible.

员工储蓄激励匹配计划; 或简单计划,是为小型企业设计的. 它们既可以作为个人退休账户,也可以作为递延安排——401(k)账户. 员工在税前的基础上为他们提供资金, 雇主也必须作出相应的供款. 本金和利息累积递延税项.

严格地说, 年金合同 是不是合格的退休计划. 但它们确实提供了像合格退休计划一样的延税增长. They are also subject to withdrawal conditions very similar to qualified retirement plans, 但是没有捐款限制. They can be used very effectively to supplement your employer-provided retirement plan.

一般, 年金有合同限制, 费用, 和费用, 其中包括死亡和费用费用, 账户的费用, 基础投资管理费, 行政费用, 以及可选福利的收费. Most annuities have surrender charges that are assessed during the early years of the contract if the contract owner surrenders the annuity. Withdrawals of annuity earnings are taxed as ordinary income and may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty if made prior to age 59½. 提款减少了年金合同的收益和价值. Any guarantees are contingent on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Annuities are not guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency; they are not deposits of, 他们也不保证或认可, 任何银行或储蓄协会. 可变年金, the 投资 return and principal value of an 投资 option are not guaranteed. Variable annuity subaccounts fluctuate with changes in market conditions; thus, the principal may be worth more or less than the original amount invested when the annuity is surrendered.

可变年金按招股说明书出售. Please consider the 投资 objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. 招股说明书, which contains this and other information about the variable annuity contract and the underlying 投资 options, 可以从你的澳门威尼斯人专业人士那里获得吗. Be sure to read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to invest.


本通讯中的信息不作为税务用途, 法律, 投资, 或退休建议或建议, and it may not be relied on for the ­purpose of ­avoiding any ­federal tax penalties. You are encouraged to seek guidance from an independent tax or 法律 professional. 内容来源于被认为是准确的来源. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the ­purchase or sale of any security. 本材料由Broadridge Advisor Solutions编写和准备. ©2024 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.