Stock and Bond Alternatives


许多谨慎的投资者可能至少有一部分资产是股票或公司债券,或者两者兼而有之. 事实上,当大多数人想到“投资”时,他们想到的是华尔街和股票市场. 许多人没有意识到,除了持有个人股票之外,还有其他投资股票的方式.

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a collection of stocks, bonds, 或者其他由专业投资公司管理的证券.

一个典型的共同基金可能持有几十种不同的证券. This offers some measure of diversification; a sharp decline in an individual security wouldn’t be nearly as damaging to your portfolio as it would be if you owned only a few securities. Diversification is a method used to help manage investment risk; it does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss.

Mutual funds are professionally managed. 基金经理把注意力集中在根据基金目标买卖证券上. 共同基金的最低投资额通常只有1000美元,有些甚至更少.

共同基金的回报和本金价值随市场情况的变化而波动. 股票在出售或赎回时,其价值可能高于或低于其原始成本. Bond funds are subject to the interest rate, inflation, 以及与基金基础债券相关的信用风险. As interest rates rise, bond prices typically fall, which can adversely affect a bond fund's performance.

Variable Universal Life Insurance

可变万能寿险(VUL)保单的运作方式与“传统”万能寿险非常相似. 作为保险费的交换,保险公司提供一笔死亡抚恤金. And, just like more traditional life insurance policies, the policy's cash value accumulates tax deferred.

但这里有一个独特的区别:你决定保费如何在投资子账户之间分配. 对于大多数保单,您可以从几个不同的投资子账户(或投资选项)中进行选择。. 这些投资选择使您能够参与澳门威尼斯人市场,并体验基础证券实现的收益和损失.

在考虑这个产品时,你应该有一个人寿保险的澳门威尼斯人. The cash value of a VUL policy is not guaranteed. 可变子账户的投资收益和本金价值会出现波动. Your cash value, and perhaps the death benefit, 将由所选子账户的表现决定吗. 如果您的提款金额超过保单的基本金额,您可能需要缴纳提款费用,并应纳税. 保单贷款或提取将减少保单的现金价值和死亡赔偿金, 并且可能需要额外的保险费来保持保单的有效. 与VUL保单相关的额外费用和收费也可能存在.

Variable Annuities

With a variable annuity, you invest a sum with an insurance company, just as you would with a fixed annuity. 但是不要把你的钱投资到保险公司的普通账户上, as with a fixed annuity, 你的钱投资在一个独立的账户中,这个账户由许多不同的投资子账户组成. 你可以指定将多少年金投资于不同的子账户,而你的回报将根据你所选择的投资的表现而定.

There are contract limitations, fees, and charges associated with variable annuities, 其中包括死亡和费用风险费用, sales and surrender charges, investment management fees, administrative fees, and charges for optional benefits. 提款减少了年金合同的收益和价值. Variable annuities are not guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency; they are not deposits of, nor are they guaranteed or endorsed by, any bank or savings association. 年金收入的提取按普通收入征税,如果在59岁半之前提取,可能需要缴纳退缴费和10%的联邦税罚款. 任何担保都取决于发行公司的财务实力和支付索赔的能力. 可变年金子帐户随着市场情况的变化而波动, and when the annuity is surrendered, 你的本金可能比原来投资的金额多或少.

共同基金、可变年金和可变万能寿险按招股说明书销售. 请在投资前仔细考虑投资目标、风险、收费及费用. The prospectus, 里面有这个和其他关于共同基金的信息, variable annuity contract, 或可变万能寿险及其标的投资选择, can be obtained from your financial professional. 在决定是否投资之前,一定要仔细阅读招股说明书.


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